Sunday, February 26, 2012

Celebrate yourself this year!

All the best people are born in July[bar] you may take exception to that, but you would be very unpatriotic to dispute it. I hope you gave your 67 minutes of community service in honour of Madiba's birthday on July 18.

Actually, it seems a lot of people are born in July or August. I suppose if you count back nine months that makes them spring babies, at least in the southern hemisphere. The other top months are September and October, or so the indefatigable internet tells me. Junior's junior school teacher said the same. You could tell by the party invitations.

Apparently the most popular day for birthdays in the US is October 5. Count back and that makes excellent sense - it all happened on New Year's Eve.

Strange how so many families have lots and lots of birthdays in a single month, then only a few lone dates in the rest of the year. It must be nice to be one of those, provided, of course, that the family remember, instead of sharing your month (and even your day) with everyone else - in my case, with my daughter, my mother, my aunt[bar]

Oh well, at least our birthdays fall in the middle. I always feel sorry for those who have birthdays in December, when everyone is celebrating. I hope they do get two presents, or at least a special hug.

After all, birthdays are special. You need one day in the year to celebrate yourself.

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